Love life

Love life

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chain Reaction

So I wouls like to start off with My wonderful trip to Ciudad Guzman, Jalisco, Mexico in the summer of 2009. I went with a group of other teens aroud my age. We went there for 10 days and then brought their students back with us for 10 days. I learnd so much about their culture and they way they live their lives. It was so amazing to meet such wonderful people and to learn so much from them. I realized that they value everything in their lives and us Americans, don't always value the little things in life. We visited a school for underprivledged children and we vistited their houses. I live in a two bedroom apartment and I think it's tiny, these childeren were living in houses the size of my bedroom with their entire families and they were so happy. It really touched me and made me realize that people actually live like this and they don't have the ability to make it better. Yes, they might be happy with their situation but imagine how much happier they would be in a slightly bigger house? I wished that there was something I could do to help them. When I got back to the US and the Mexicans that were staying with us, left I thought about what I could do to help people in need. I think by helping one person at a time we can all make a difference. If everyone could help at least three people a year and those three people help three others each and so on, imagine how many people we could help. It doesn't have to be anyone in a different country or anything and it doesn't have to be something really big but if we can sacrifice something that another person can use it could help them out a little bit. I hope that people can catch on and at least try because the more we try the more we succeed.

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