Love life

Love life

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Words of advice

So this whole vegetarian/vegan thing has been super hard for me, not the part where you have to cut out certain food but the part where I still have accept that other people do not care about animals and will continue eating meat. It really sickens me to know that people still eat meat after knowing the truth.
So what did I do? I reached out to a vegan support group. I am tried of coming across as being the bitchy, whiney, pushy vegan. That is the one thing I feared. I had asked a simple question: "How do you handle people's choices to eat meat in an understanding matter?"
The answer: "As a vegetarian for over half of my life, married to a man who is not, my best advice is that how one eat's is a VERY personal choice and there is no better way to loose friends than by criticizing their eating habits. You can cook awesome veggie/vegan recipes and then share them with friends, especially healthy, yummy sweets can really make a positive impression. Help influence people with your actions, not your disgust."

I have known this the whole time, I think I just forgot to think about it. Maybe I shouldn't push people towards veganism in such a blunt way. Maybe I should do it subtly. Make food around the holidays and other special occasions. *If I ever have the money to*
But then it still sits in the back of my mind that what if I go totally out there and make a delicious vegan meal and only to have them say "Oh it's pretty good" and then plop it on their plate with the non vegan food. They are going to try it and thinks it's good but are they really going to consider going vegan just because the food is good? maybe, but what they are probably sitting there thinking is "she can try all she wants but I will never stop needing my meat, milk, and eggs". And then I will just feel hopeless all over again. I don't want to waste my time and effort doing vegan things for other people if it isn't going to impact them.

This journey sure has been frustrating. I know it is supposed to feel peaceful and overpowering but right now I just feel let down. I take it very personally (even though I shouldn't) that the people who care about me, don't care about the animals. How can they not see the cruelty behind it? It's not about killing these animals, it's about the pain and suffering they have to go through because of our choices. We are taking away their lives. by the time they die they probably have wished it a thousand times already. They are stressed out and depressed. We lock them in cages their whole lives and separate the moms from the babies. if this were happening to humans we would put an end to it immediately but since it is just farm animals we don't care.

Just farm animals?
They are living, breathing, felling creatures too, just like us.
They look a little different and they don't speak our language.
They have a heart and a brain, they feel too.
I feel so terribly bad that we had to pick the cows. Was it because they were easy to catch? Did our ancestors travel long distances, run out of food, and resort to having to kill an animal and the easiest one was a cow or a chicken or a pig? Most definitely. I believe with all my heart that we honnestly just got hungry one day and were in need of eating so we decided to give animals a try. Nothing wrong with that right? No not really, I am sure it only happen in certain areas of the world at the time and i am sure the animals were free roaming. Then what did we do? We taught our kids that it's okay to kill the animals because we need food to survive and sometimes we need to do what we need to do. Well still not too bad, although we have probably twice if not three times more people  having to kill animals to eat and survive. Lest fast forward a loooooooooong time. We start getting smarter and start making different kinds of food and learning about nutrition. We now have figured out that you can get as much protein from beans, Quinoa, broccoli, asparagus..etc. and yet we still killing animals. Why? we have finally figured out what we need to survive and what types of nutrients we need in our bodies to live healthy like our ancestors once did. So why do we still need to kill animals? Well, our ancestors told their kids, who told their kids, who told their kids, who told their kids, etc that it is okay to kill animals because we need to survive. It all got passed dow to us. The only thing we didn't realize at the time is the nutritional education behind it. We were to blind to see that there are other things out there besides meat that provide us with the nutrients we need to survive. We went from eating meat to stay alive to now eating or "needing" meat because it tastes good. Selfish.

anyways the moral of this is that I will definitely try to not be so pushy with my veganism, but the world needs to change.
This world saddens me. And today I had someone tell me to change if i didn't like the world. I am changing but the majority of the world is not and they will be the ones who ruin this beautiful earth for all of us. You can try all you want to stop it but it takes the whole world changing before the day of peace comes.

I am outie for the night guys.
I am exhausted right now and falling asleep while typing hahaha


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