Love life

Love life

Monday, November 25, 2013

Bracelets for a cause!

Hello everyone!
Just thought I would let you know that I make bracelets as well as hats! I am in the process of making one right now!
Currently, I am making ones to raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. I want people to be more educated about it and now how it affects people.
I am trying to get some local business going in Colorado, so check out my page on Facebook!

Please check it, especially if you are in Colorado!

<3 emm="" p="">

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Technical Tip Tuesday!

Hello Everyone! Do y have I an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch? I'd say a lot of people do these days because of the image they put out there that owning and Apple product is "cool"'s ok I have an iPad so I totally know how it is lol
Well I am trained in Apple products so I thought for this weeks Tuesday we'd make it Technical Top Tuesday!!
When I worked at Apple this was one of the biggest problems people would be upset about beside their scene shattering. I hope this blog helps at least a few of you  keep your important information safe!
Have you ever been playing around on you iPad and you notice a little red circle with a number 1 in it on your settings application? That means you have an update, now a lot of people will just click on it and hit update without really understanding what it does. Updates are very good for y devices because they help improve bugs and software glitches that may be happening. Your software will NEVER be perfect so should think twice about getting mad if your keyboard doesn't pop up right away when you want to type....I know things like that can be annoying and you are probably thinking "why in the world did pay $500  for this device if the keyboard isn't going to pop up right away?" Well I have news for you, technology is not perfect. There will be issues no matter how well you take care of your device, so before you get mad just take a breathe and think of ways you may be able to fix it. You really don't need to upset yourself by overthinking it and wanting to know why it's happening, chances are the tech support person you are talking to doesn't know why it's happening they were just told by their supervisor to come up with some believable story to sound like they know everything about technology.
WOW I got off subject, so anyways. You go to do the software update but you don't realize that, depending in how big the update is, it will take the information off of your device and put it back on in updated format. When that happens there is ALWAYS a chance that you could lose all or some of your precious information. What you need to make sure you are doing is backing up all of you data in iCloud or iTunes before you do anything with that software, that way even if the update does erase your information you still have it on that backup.

You can make a backup in iCloud by going to Settings > iCloud > Storage and Back Up > and clicking on backup now
You can make a backup in iTunes by plugging your device into the computer, opening up the latest version of iTunes, look on the left had side of the iTunes and you should see Devices, under Devices should be your device. Click on your device and it should take you to the Summary page. There should be an option to Restore backup or Backup (iPad, iPhone, iPod). You will want to click on backup iPad, iPhone, iPod. If you click restore back up it will put the last back up that was made to that computer, onto your device.

I hope this post helped and if you guys have any other technical questions feel free to comment belo and I will do my best to answers then or at least provide tips on what you might be able to do.

Have a great night everyone!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Makeup Monday! Neutral Brown

Hello everyone! Today is Makeup Monday!!!! One of my favorite things to do is Makeup! I love it because a little bit of makeup can change your entire mood, it can make you feel better about yourself. Now, I don't wear it as much as I used to, but it is still one of my biggest passions.

Here is a look most of you ladies will love because you can wear it anywhere! It's not too much and it will go with any skin, eye, and hair color.
It just my usual Neutral Brown look that I would wear if I did my makeup everyday.
Okay, so this is me before all the makeup.....scary right?

These are the only items I used:
NYX foundation
NYX Super Skinny liquid eyeliner pen
Kay Von D Eye Primer
Maybelline Mascara in Falsies 
Kat Von D brush kit
Kat Von D Saint Eye Shadow Palette  
A foundation Sponge to apply the foundation

Here is the finished look, the lighting in my house sucks :,( 

I hope you all enjoyed Makeup Monday! Have a great rest of your day!


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Craft Sunday!! Little Hat

Hello everyone! Today is craft Sunday here and I will be showing you my current creation.
If you don't know already I love making hats! I use a loom knitter to knit them and they are so easy and fun to make! Currently I am working on one for a smaller head, not sure who to give it to though.

 It doesn't look much like a hat at the moment but once I get a little farther on it you will be able to make it out better. The color scheme is light blue and black, perfect for a boy or a girl.
If any of you would be interested, I can do some tutorials here or on my YouTube channel, HotPinkZebra09 and teach you guys how to loom knit?
Let me know what you think!
Have a fantastic day everyone!


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday Storytime- Trip to The Movies

Hello Everyone! I know it's super late, I was spending quality time with my family today. We had fun playing games and eating bacon wrapped chicken. I still wanted to write a blog though! So I thought what would be more fun that sharing a funny story with everyone?
It took me a while to think of just one story to tell, but I think I have found the right one.
So when I was in the 5th grade me and my best friend used to get dropped off at our local mall so we could hang out and window shop. The mall was very small and not too far away from our houses. I also had one of those ancient brick phones to keep in contact with my mom. Well, this was a Friday night after school and my friend and I convinced my mom to take us to the mall so we could see a movie and then she was to pick us up afterwards. She dropped us off and we told her we'd call after we were done at the movie. We went around and window shopped for a while until we figured out what movie we wanted to see. I had seen comercials on TV for a movie called Chicago, but it was rated PG-13 and we wee not 13 yet. I got the idea to try to get tickets for it without our moms knowing. My friends agreed because she had wanted to see it as well. We called my mom and told her we were going to see the Jungle Book 2 and we gave her an estimate of what time we would be out. We walked up yo the counter and got our tickets, the lady didn't ask for an ID or anything! We were so excited that we were actually getting away with it! We sat in the theater and waited for the film to start. I was very nervous because I knew that the movie must have been rated PG-13 for a reason, but at the same time I really wanted to know what the reason was. The movie started with an awesome musical number introducing Rene Zellweger and Catherine Zeta Jones. I thought how could this be a bad movie? It just has a lot of singing and some flashy outfits. The next seen was the main character leaving the bar with her lover, from there things got hot.....not what me and my friend were expecting. We didn't know if we should watch or not so we half covered our eyes and giggled. After the hotness the girl ends up shooting the guy she's with! Now keep in mind we were only 10 and back then we really weren't allowed to watch movies like this, especially without out parents! We must have felt awkward because we ended up leaving the theater after that scene. It was gruesome or anything but I think we just felt guilty more than anything. We must have gotten through a whole 10-15 minutes of it haha. We then shopped around the mall a little bit longer and called my mom to come pick us up. That upcoming Christmas I asked my mom to buy me the movie Chicago and she did. We watched it together and it has been one our favorite movies since then. We even bought the soundtrack and used to sing it in the car wherever we went. It's so weird to think that I felt guilty over that or that I couldn't make it through the whole movie. What a great memory to have! Do you guys have  any memories or stories that you would like to share? Comment below and share your funny story or memory!

Night night!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Food Friday! Pasta Fagioli

Hello Everyone! Today is Food Friday and I have a delicious classic Italian dish for you all. It is easy, fast and feeds a lot of hungry tummies. Introducing.....Pasta Fagioli....or as some people call it, Pasta Fazool. This yummy Pasta soup is a classic!

 What you will need:
 2 Table Spoons of Olive Oil (or any type of cooking oil you have on hand)
1 large white onion
3 cloves of fresh garlic
1 14.5oz Can of diced tomatoes with Italian seasoning
2 14.5oz Cans of Chicken or Vegetable broth
3 Cups of water
2 Cups of Pasta, can either be Ditalini or small shells
1 table spoon of Italian seasoning
1 Bunch of fresh Kale
1 Table spoon of Tomato Paste
Salt and Pepper to taste
Ground Parmesean Cheese, as much as you'd like
 2 15oz cans of white beans, drained
And a big cooking pot to make all of this in

In a really big soup pan, cook onion and garlic with the olive oil until slight browning occurs. Stir in the diced tomatoes, broth, water and noodles. Let boil for 5 minutes. While the pasta is cooking, grab you fresh Kale. You want to rinse them off to make sure there is no earthly substances on it (it did come from the ground you know). After rinsing you will want to cut the steams off and begin cutting the kale into 1 inch square pieces. After you've cut the kale you will then place it in the pot and cook 5 mins more. Reduce heat to a simmer and add beans, Tomato paste, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Cook for another 5 minutes, serve, sprinkle with Parmesean Cheese and devour! 

This recipe is way too easy and inexpensive to not try! It will feed your whole family and it is perfect for the upcoming cold weather!
 Please enjoy :)


Thursday, November 14, 2013


Just updating the blog here! Making some changes and getting prepared for a new chapter in life. This blog is going to be so much fun, just wait and see!!!! There will be recipes, crafts, stories, and photographs :) Everything is going to get re-vamped on my blog, so keep a look out for some awesome fun! Good night all! Emm