Love life

Love life

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Craft Sunday!! Little Hat

Hello everyone! Today is craft Sunday here and I will be showing you my current creation.
If you don't know already I love making hats! I use a loom knitter to knit them and they are so easy and fun to make! Currently I am working on one for a smaller head, not sure who to give it to though.

 It doesn't look much like a hat at the moment but once I get a little farther on it you will be able to make it out better. The color scheme is light blue and black, perfect for a boy or a girl.
If any of you would be interested, I can do some tutorials here or on my YouTube channel, HotPinkZebra09 and teach you guys how to loom knit?
Let me know what you think!
Have a fantastic day everyone!


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