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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Technical Tip Tuesday!

Hello Everyone! Do y have I an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch? I'd say a lot of people do these days because of the image they put out there that owning and Apple product is "cool"'s ok I have an iPad so I totally know how it is lol
Well I am trained in Apple products so I thought for this weeks Tuesday we'd make it Technical Top Tuesday!!
When I worked at Apple this was one of the biggest problems people would be upset about beside their scene shattering. I hope this blog helps at least a few of you  keep your important information safe!
Have you ever been playing around on you iPad and you notice a little red circle with a number 1 in it on your settings application? That means you have an update, now a lot of people will just click on it and hit update without really understanding what it does. Updates are very good for y devices because they help improve bugs and software glitches that may be happening. Your software will NEVER be perfect so should think twice about getting mad if your keyboard doesn't pop up right away when you want to type....I know things like that can be annoying and you are probably thinking "why in the world did pay $500  for this device if the keyboard isn't going to pop up right away?" Well I have news for you, technology is not perfect. There will be issues no matter how well you take care of your device, so before you get mad just take a breathe and think of ways you may be able to fix it. You really don't need to upset yourself by overthinking it and wanting to know why it's happening, chances are the tech support person you are talking to doesn't know why it's happening they were just told by their supervisor to come up with some believable story to sound like they know everything about technology.
WOW I got off subject, so anyways. You go to do the software update but you don't realize that, depending in how big the update is, it will take the information off of your device and put it back on in updated format. When that happens there is ALWAYS a chance that you could lose all or some of your precious information. What you need to make sure you are doing is backing up all of you data in iCloud or iTunes before you do anything with that software, that way even if the update does erase your information you still have it on that backup.

You can make a backup in iCloud by going to Settings > iCloud > Storage and Back Up > and clicking on backup now
You can make a backup in iTunes by plugging your device into the computer, opening up the latest version of iTunes, look on the left had side of the iTunes and you should see Devices, under Devices should be your device. Click on your device and it should take you to the Summary page. There should be an option to Restore backup or Backup (iPad, iPhone, iPod). You will want to click on backup iPad, iPhone, iPod. If you click restore back up it will put the last back up that was made to that computer, onto your device.

I hope this post helped and if you guys have any other technical questions feel free to comment belo and I will do my best to answers then or at least provide tips on what you might be able to do.

Have a great night everyone!


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